Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

As a nurse, you have likely worked with many different health care professionals to achieve patient and organizational outcomes. Learn how to communicate an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan that could be implemented online class services in your place of work. Create a 2-4 page report that summarizes an interview and an issue you believe would be improved by an interdisciplinary approach. Identify change theories and leadership strategies that could help inform an interdisciplinary solution to the issue. The Problem Patient safety is one of the most important responsibilities for healthcare professionals worldwide. Often times, mistakes made by health care professionals can negatively impact the patient and their families. Therefore, it is vital that health care organizations implement quality improvement initiatives to improve patient safety. Several studies have shown that medication errors are common in many healthcare settings. In addition, they are oftentimes preventable. Moreover, these mistakes can result in costly outcomes for patients. As nurses, it is our responsibility to ensure nurs fpx 4050 assessment 1 that we provide safe care to all patients entrusted to us. However, this is not always easy to accomplish. To address this issue, it is essential to form an interdisciplinary team. A successful interdisciplinary team can be built upon several components such as a strong change theory, a leadership strategy, and collaborative efforts among the members of the team. The success of the team also depends on how well the team communicates with each other and if they work together as a unit to implement the plan. The first step to creating an interdisciplinary team is to identify the problem or issue you want to solve and why it is important for your audience to resolve it. Then, identify the most effective approach to solving this problem. In your proposal, describe the objective and predictions of an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve the desired goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes. Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan's objective, including best practices from the literature. Then, identify organizational resources, including a financial budget, that are needed for the plan to succeed and explain the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in your proposal are not made. Communicate the interdisciplinary plan NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan to stakeholders in a professional manner, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and respectful with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style. Additionally, the submission should include a reference page that cites at least 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas and are no more than 5 years old. The Solution The solution to this issue involves a multidisciplinary approach that will help nurses feel more comfortable and relieve their burnout. The team will include nursing staff, administration, an executive wing that will make decisions, and clinical professionals. They will use NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle to evaluate and find solutions to their understaffing issue. This is an evidence-based method that will benefit both the nurses and patients in the future, as it will allow them to work in a more efficient manner. The problem of understaffing is an issue that affects the safety and health of patients in many medical settings, and it also poses a financial risk to healthcare organizations. A successful interdisciplinary plan can improve patient outcomes and decrease the overall cost of healthcare. This is possible by implementing educational programs to raise the skill level of nurses. In addition to this, an interdisciplinary team will need to work closely with the leadership in the organization to ensure that everyone is on board and that the plan is being implemented as intended. A good interdisciplinary leader will be able to create a culture that values affirmation and collaboration among all organizational members. This type of leadership can be effective because it encourages members to share NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan their ideas freely and discuss issues openly. It can be difficult to achieve these goals, but it is necessary for healthcare organizations to improve their operations and outcomes. A well-developed and tested interdisciplinary plan can help to increase the skills of the nursing staff, reduce the stress of those working in medical settings, and lower the costs for the organization. Using the change theories and leadership strategies that you identified in the interview for Assessment 2 and the evidence and best practices you found in the literature for Assessment 3, develop an interdisciplinary plan proposal that will help the nurse to reduce their understaffing issue and make the job of the nursing staff easier. This will provide them with more time to care for their patients, which can improve their overall well-being. The interdisciplinary plan proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the project specifics, explains how success would be evaluated and provides stakeholders with an overview of how your plan can benefit the organization. Your writing should be clear, logically organized, professional, with correct grammar and spelling, and in current APA style. The Interdisciplinary Team The Interdisciplinary Team that created the NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Improvement Plan Tool Kit includes a variety of different healthcare professionals. The members of the interdisciplinary team include nurses, assistants to nurses, human resource personnel and an administrator. The goal of the interdisciplinary team is to reduce staffing shortages and increase patient care. This is an important issue in the healthcare industry and it will impact patient safety. To address this problem, the interdisciplinary team will use the PDSA (plan-do-studyact) model to identify solutions. This method can be a very effective way to make changes in a healthcare setting because it is quick and easy to implement. It is also a cost-effective way to make changes. Moreover, it will ensure that everyone involved in the process is collaborating and communicating effectively. This type of teamwork is crucial in the healthcare industry because it allows nurses and other medical staff to exchange information. This helps to prevent miscommunication and improve the quality of patient care. In this type of teamwork, each member will take responsibility for their role on the team and be responsible for ensuring that all members are informed of any changes. It is also helpful for interdisciplinary teams to have a manager or supervisor to support the team in their goals and objectives. During the planning process, the interdisciplinary team will work together to ensure that all members are communicating and collaborating effectively. They will also discuss the goals of the plan and how they can best achieve them. The team will also need to make sure that they have the resources needed to implement the plan and that they are able to successfully achieve these goals. This will help them to succeed in implementing the plan and improving patient outcomes. The interdisciplinary team will have to use a variety of methods in order to accomplish their objectives. The most important of these methods will be communication. It is crucial that they are able to communicate with each other and be able to share their opinions and suggestions on how they can solve NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit the short staffing problem in the healthcare organization. The Implementation A nurse, working with the management of a hospital, is seeking to introduce changes that would improve patient care and reduce the organization’s overall budget for health care. She has identified short staffing as a critical issue for the hospital and hopes to find a solution that will benefit both nurses and patients. The plan will address this issue through the establishment of a multidisciplinary team. This interdisciplinary team will consist of a nurse manager, human resource manager, therapist, doctor and risk management specialist. The nursing manager will organize the team to make sure that there are enough nurses to meet demand and reduce the amount of time a nurse spends in shifts. The human resource manager will help to hire more experienced nurses and the therapist will talk to overworked nurses. The doctor will let the hiring committee know about the need for new nurses and the risk management specialist will review all the information to make sure that it is safe. Once the interdisciplinary team has established itself, it will then begin to implement the plan by conducting surveys and gathering data on current practices. This information will be used to track progress and determine whether the team is moving in the right direction. In order to successfully implement the interdisciplinary plan, it will be important for NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Disaster Recovery Plan the nursing and medical teams to collaborate and work together as one. This will allow for the nurse and doctor to discuss their problems with each other and share their expertise. This will result in more efficient and faster procedures for diagnosing and treating elderly patients. It will also provide an opportunity for the interdisciplinary team to establish a new collaborative value system and work organization. These new practices will be in alignment with the nursing and medical team’s professional standards and will increase employee satisfaction and patient safety. The interdisciplinary team’s work will be supported by the use of change theories and leadership strategies that would encourage employees and patients to buy into the proposed plans and the process for implementation. This can be achieved through the use of Levin’s three-stage theory of change and transformational leadership style that will promote a collaborative environment where professionals are more likely to interact, share ideas and solve problems.

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