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/ #3564 Règlements proposés- le bien-être des animaux2011-06-25 06:52@ Jess & Tif, read the PDF file at the bottom of the page of the first site below. These are the proposed regulations to come into effect, but only after public response is studied on Aug 5th. That means we have 1 month to write them with our critique of their proposal. And we cannot email them, they will only accept letters. So if the mail strike is still on, get together with your friends and send your suggestions together by Purolator, Fedex, etc. What I see at first glance: gas chambers will be tolerated, and puppy mills are not going to be outlawed. This report is an insult to all of us who have been clamoring for progress. Geoffrey Kelley, who authored the study on animal welfare in Québec beginning in 2008 (2nd site below), and whose committee drafted these regulations, says these are simply regulations against cruelty to animals but the definition of what constitutes a criminal act and possible sentences for those acts will only be announced in the Fall by Corbeil. THERE IS WORD ALL THEY WILL DO IS DOUBLE THE PRESENT FINES... NADA...WE ALL MUST WRITE IN LARGE NUMBERS WITH PROPOSED SOLUTIONS. LET'S STUDY WHAT OTHER REGIONS IN NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE ARE DOING AND DEMAND SOLUTIONS FROM CORBEIL & KELLEY THAT ARE PROGRESSIVE AND POSITIVE FOR OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS. WE DON'T WANT PUPPY MILLS TO BE LEGAL HERE FOR ANOTHER 50 YEARS! NOR DO WE WANT FLOOR-MOPPERS TO BE EUTHANIZING OUR ANIMALS BY GAS OR LETHAL INJECTION OR A HAMMER TO THE HEAD! THESE PROPOSALS ALLOW QUÉBEC TO CONTINUE TREATING DOGS AND CATS AS A FARMED COMMODITY... I MEAN, "MAKE SURE THERE IS A FLOOR IN THE CAGE OF A TYPE THAT ALLOWS URINE TO DRAIN.." THEY ALSO ALLOW NON-VETERINARIANS OR NON-VET TECHNICIANS TO EUTHANIZE ANIMALS. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE ANIMAL WELL-BEING? http://www.mapaq.gouv.qc.ca/fr/Publications/RapportAnimauxcompagnie.pdf |
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
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