Non à la taxe kilométrique-Neen aan de kilometerheffing-
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/ #147102014-02-09 21:13Although I live 127km from where I work it 'only' takes me about an hour and 10 minutes to get there. If I need to go to a client in Brussels it take twice as much for a bit more than half of the distance. This simply will not resolve the problem at hand. Traffic jams are based on the chaos theory. Which is one of the reasons why it's so hard to find a solution. However, a good start would be to simply put in motion the necessary tram, train & metro connections to the industrial terrains around brussels. Involve the train companies and make sure there's enough capacity when it matters. Certainly for those who work in shifts. It would ofcourse help if you didn't have 19meirs to deal with that all have their own small minded agenda. But hey, who am I. Besides the fact that I do not wish to pay just to get to work, this would cost me over 250euro's while I'm already paying additional taxes so I could have a car from work just to do my job. Let alone the taxes on gas, maintenance, insurance, and what else I'm forgetting. And let's not even start mentioning the huge amount of taxes I already pay on my wage. I am one of those people that can honestly say if this goes through, I will have a serious financial problem and will be obliged to change jobs - if there are any around here -. And I'd prefer not to because I love doing what I do and where I do it. |
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
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