Contre l'interdiction des chiens dans la forêt Boucher
Friend of the dog park AND Boucher Forest |
/ #54 The best way to cut the # of supporters of the Boucher Forest2014-10-14 18:05I've enjoyed the Boucher Forest and adjacent dog park for almost 4 years now. I have friends join me from all over Ottawa as well because it is simply the best offering for both humans and dogs. The park allows the dogs and owners to be social and the park allows those who want to be more calm, their own getaway. The forest is spectacular and a welcome protection from the summer heat during the hot months, and the inclimate weather the rest of the year. There are far more serious offenders to the ecosystem of the Boucher Forest than dog owners and their dogs. ATVs/snowmobiles, mountain bikers, bush parties to name a few. Even the website for the Boucher Forest Foundation DOES NOT list dogs/dog walking in their top "problem areas". Imagine the power the Boucher Forest Foundation would have if the teamed up with the Group Canin d'Aylmer to JOINTLY work at protecting this wonderful area for everyone to enjoy? This decision to ban off leash dogs in the park is unfortunate and along with this decision, the support the Foundation might have had from everyone that enjoys the park, with their dog, will dwindle. As the Foundation's website says, the zoning of the park makes it difficult for police to intervene/enforce anything, therefore the outcome is two-fold; firstly, people will continue to walk their dogs there anyway, likely out of defiance, and secondly, those dog owners that would have happily supported any efforts to protect the forest may snub the Foundation in the future out of spite. Simply the wrong tactic used to offend many but curb few. |
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
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