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happyhenry |
/ #9695 join the great illuminati brotherhood2015-07-23 19:54Illuminati approach with the some of Pounds300 million and also promise to be paying Pounds300 million per month just to become their member.My stories on how i became rice and famous with the help of yoo john the Illuminati secret wealth master)Hello my fellow friends am Mr Joromy Ukpenguda i am from the United Kingdome of I lost my parent when I was 13yrs old so I have been staying with my uncle and they were never taking good care of me,life was so bad with me,so I manage to get into university and i graduate with first class. for goo three year i was looking for job until I meet an old school friend called katy angela,who told me about a man that help her father into the Illuminati group and made him rich and famous,so I ask on how to get to the man as a good friend she is to me, she lead me there and I explain all my problems to him and he ask me to do some things that will make me a legit member of the hood which I did without going back, then he introduce me to the ground master in Ivory Coast and I was paid the sum of. Pounds300 million which I used to live the life am living now………..i invest the money on oil business in United Kingdome at 2011 i was rate as the 15 richest person in Man City till now.you can also be among the testimony, my friends, today am sharing this testimony to those who are in my old condition to meet with him.is a good man and ready to help you in anyway of your live you can also contact great and wealthy man via this email ,you can also reach him on phone by dialing +22555366828 |
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