Contre "Paws R Us"
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/ #127 Re:2012-02-20 19:36
When I was young, there were no puppy mills. Not many people spayed or neutered their dogs and there were plenty of dogs to go around... someone in town had a litter of pups or kittens free to a good home if they just wanted a family pet. And there were the registered breeders for those who wanted the designer dogs. Even then we had SPCA's and they were dealing with cruelty and had dogs for adoption. Since we've have these big-box type puppy mills, our SPCA's are overflowing, now we've got rescue organizations on every street corner. They're overflowing with dogs that have inbred problems, psychological problems...that all stem from the puppy mill where they were manufactured by unscrupulous heartless people. Today pet owners are a bit more savvy. Most of our pets are neutered. If these puppy mills were stopped, the load on the rescue/spca would subside a bit. We have to outlaw puppy mills...not just stop this heartless family...but ALL puppy mills. We have to change the laws so pet shops sell rescued dogs from the SPCA/shelters. Fine them if they're caught selling from back yard breeders or puppy mills. The registered purebred breeders are not a problem, they do it for the breed and not the profit and are small or two breeds max. The puppy mills have to be shut down, and the fines need to be stiff. Jail time. And these particular people should have their dogs taken away. From the info I got off the web, they're still selling dogs..this was dated January 2012:
Bedlington Terriers and Basenji puppies on Bearded Collie puppies on . The bearded collies are from the Paws”r”Us Kennel, listed by Charlene. The Bedlington Terrier ad is being moderated. On their website they include an old pdf with a 2009 judgment proclaiming they are not a puppy mill. They do not include the 2011 court case where the judge ruled they are a puppy mill. |
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
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