Contre "Paws R Us"
disgusted beyond belief |
/ #240 Re: 2nd Time Around...2012-04-02 19:07unfortunately, they didn't get what they deserved. They're still breeding and selling. And the judge is still 'judging' and the vets that spoke on behalf of the Labombastards are still vetting. Lorie paid 14 grand plus court costs. The Labombastards paid a 10 grand fine. My Dad used to say...the law is a farce...and you only get justice in the dead of night with no witnesses. We'll do our best to shut these bastards down, but they'll pop up again...and again...or psycopaths just like them will take their place...unless we work ceaselessly to track them down and shut them down every time they re-open for business. We need to work on the laws, we need to work on the enforcement of the laws. We need to work on the human race. Humans are gonna have to start being accountable for their actions...and I mean all humans...from the judges to the vets to the lawyers to the actual scumbag abusers. This shitstorm started years and years ago...but the judge screwed up and all the dogs that suffered for all those years are on his conscience...if he has one...along with the vets and the lawyer and anyone else that helped these psycopaths. Let them all pay for the care and rehabilitation all these dogs are getting now. The Labombastards should all be in jail, the lawyer, judge and vets should be financially responsible for the dogs care...sell the Labombastards bloody pig barn and farm and give the proceeds to the dogs! Then, and only then... will they 'get what they deserve'. And even then, they'll never get what they deserve. Well, maybe finally being in a cage...being some big tatooed guys 'bitch'. (then again, they'd probably like that!) I say euthanise them...I don't want to pay for their food and lodging in jail. They're wasting precious air. |
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
Le changement n'a pas lieu en gardant le silence. L'auteur de cette pétition a eu le courage de ses opinions. Allez-vous faire de même ? Lancez un mouvement social en créant une pétition.
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