Soutien de Lionel Gilberti


/ #5

2012-10-14 19:47

I think, that it is very odd, that foreign divorced/separated parents of, in Germany living children, are being arrested ? Just because they own money for child support??? This means, owning money to any German institution/person is a far more serious crime in Germany, than the rape of a child by a, from the German youth agencies (Jugendaemter) hired children hostage holders (they are called "foster parents" or children homes care takers,which alone is an insult to those kids). Those specific child rapists never see the inside of a jail cell, because this crime against those poor robbed kids gets ignored and swept under the carpet. The victims are left alone with their trauma. Or those children rapist, whose crimes have been exposed, usually face only 2 years of probation.
In my opinion, Lio got arrested to shut him up and destroy his CEED websites. Yes Germany the truth hurts. I will never cease to tell my experiences in your hell hole as a robbed child. Why were  I, my sister and my brother punished? We were just newborns. I hold Germany responsible for the death of my sister, and the severe trauma of my brother, who is locked up in a mental hospital. Then you in Colmar arrest, first Olivier and now Lio, two loving fathers, because they fight for their human rights and speak openly about your abuse of them and their children. In my opinion is this not justice, but criminal intent. Keep it up Germany, you'll eventually will die out.