Morgan Hamilton

/ #1097 Thank you

2011-01-26 15:34

Just to thank you about this documentary, I truly like it. I also firmly believe that Gbagbo is the real President of Ivory Coast and that African countries are no longer French colonies. I don't even understand why in Africa you (Africans) are still allowing foreigners to oversee your elections. It does not make ANY sense to me what so ever. As far as I know, African countries are INDEPENDENT, meaning they are free to do what ever they want to do as any other country in the world. Just by allowing foreigners such as Europeans or Americans to oversee your elections and to have a say about your elections is to me totally absurd. I am a young black man who loves politics and tries to follow African politic because I feel really concerned when French soldiers shoot and kill Africans in Africa; I feel concerned when foreign leaders talk to African leaders as if they were talking to their driver or cook; I feel concerned when someone in Paris can take a stand and pretends to know Africa more than Africans. It makes me laugh, really it does. We as black people around the world should stand up as one man and stop this. I lately sent an E-mail to Laurent Gbagbo telling that I am not from his country, but I am ready to fight for him. Sarkozy on the other hand is brainless. I don't even waste my time talking about someone like him. We in America, often judge politicians the way they handle their family or marriage. Sarkozy couldn't handle his ex and worst, he married Carla B. He blew me away and left most Americans speechless. He has no credibility, period.
May God Bless Laurent Gbagbo and the people of Ivory Coast!
Again, thank you.