Ensemble contre les cotisations déguisées OACIQ 2013
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/ #4242013-10-02 04:13Dear collogues let’s have an organize demonstration in the front of ACAIQ and GMREB. We need to have a syndicate to protect our interest and deliver our message to the ACAIQ and GMREB. These organizations aren’t working for us; the employees and management are working for their packet. It seems president has projection for year 2014 and it shows that their profit margin will be less than they were expected; therefore the president has decided to collect additional funds to keep unnecessary position in management and administration, and to cover their high salary. The fact is “if the income does n’t cover the expenses the organization must be restructured and the staff must be reduced. The high earning management positions like many vice presidents and many other unnecessary administration and management position must be diminished. The president has recently mentioned in his memo “the mismanagement of our funds”. ACAIQ must be transparent to all members and therefore we require the complete report for this mismanagement with the name of responsible persons, penalties and justice as required. We are not against any training but our yearly dues includes the training and advertising cost and they should not ask any additional dime for advertising , ad complain, and training. Please spend my charity to your nonprofit organization with care to cover all the expenses. I believe ACAIQ AND GMREB have a clear agenda in demanding and increasing the affiliation fee , I am sure in the near future the organization will force us to take group health insurance and Cleary ACAIQ AND GMREB will have benefit from the group contract. |
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
Le changement n'a pas lieu en gardant le silence. L'auteur de cette pétition a eu le courage de ses opinions. Allez-vous faire de même ? Lancez un mouvement social en créant une pétition.
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