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/ #65712014-04-24 13:56Hi my name is Tania. I have a sad story to tell. I found a dog last Friday and took it to Berger blanc to help find the owner. I also posted his picture They promised me that if the owner is not found that I would get it back. But the when I called back on the 5th day I got the run around. ( I also visited the dog on Easter Sunday I bring it food and a blanket) they told me that there is a charge which is understandable but they quoted around 700$ to 1200$ !,/$:@;$;&;@(. I called to speak with the director there and she was very rude! Told me yes there's a charge of 15$ a day and food and vaccines. I get that but 700 too 1200$ ???? She didn't answer to that. Then she called 20 min later saying they put down the dog that it was vicious and had sick problems. What bullshit!!!! When I found the dog I walked straight up to it and it bowed and was submissive and obedient ! It stayed by me while walking to the carHi my name is Tania. I have a sad story to tell. I found a dog last Friday and took it to Berger blanc to help find the owner. I also posted his picture They promised me that if the owner is not found that I would get it back. But the when I called back on the 5th day I got the run around. ( I also visited the dog on Easter Sunday I bring it food and a blanket) they told me that there is a charge which is understandable but they quoted around 700$ to 1200$ !,/$:@;$;&;@(. I called to speak with the director there and she was very rude! Told me yes there's a charge of 15$ a day and food and vaccines. I get that but 700 too 1200$ ???? She didn't answer to that. Then she called 20 min later saying they put down the dog that it was vicious and had skin problems. What bullshit!!!! When I found the dog I walked straight up to it and it bowed and was submissive and obedient ! It stayed by me while walking to the car and when I told it to get in the back seat it did so That is not a vicious dog. Pls tell this story and help save animals from Berger blanc they r not humane ! I'm very upset an disappointment and very sad about this. An innocent dog died today and there will probably be many more under their care and when I told it to get in the back seat it did so That is not a vicious dog. Pls tell this story and help save animals from Berger blanc they r not humane ! I'm very upset an disappointment and very sad about this. An innocent dog died today and there will probably be many more under their care |
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Mesdames, Messieurs les députés de la Communauté française (ou Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles), Le peuple n’aime plus être trompé : respectez vos engagements ! Selon les syndicats de l’enseignement, les mesures que vous avez votées cette semaine (fin de la 7ème année qualifiante, fin de certaines options, réduction des heures de cours des profs notamment) s’élèveront à environ 8 millions d’euros en 2025 ; selon d’autres sources, il est question de 15 millions d’euros, impliquant de nombreux élè...
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