Non à la tour Telus à Otterburn Park
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/ #60 Re:2015-03-23 01:17This article is an excellent exposure of the almost total government incompentancy AT ALL GOVT. LEVELS. People simply DO NOT CARE how they are governed,, they allow our various govts. to act in a manner in which it APPEARS acceptable, but in almost every case should be dismisses as unacceptable Government spending continues because all governments..Federal, Provincial, Municipal consider that the monetry income to whatever government is a bottomless bank. How do we stop this extreme waste, incompetent behaviour, and decisions which are almost CRIMINAL.
We have to starve the government of money. We have to avoid paying bloated taxes wherever and whenever we can. There are ways of doing this. Yes, we all have to suffer some hardship and discontent BUT you are to do this for your CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN. Do not say how much you 'love your cildren' if you are content to allow their health and happiness to be taken from them
The author is perfectly correct in his/her assement of our current siituation re. microwaves.
Canadian 'HEALTH CANADA' (for this read sickness Canada) have allowed itself to set the standard for microwave emission into the atmosphere at 1000 units. Some, more far sighted, have set the maximum emission at 50 units, and this may be lower.
Write to our Minister of Health and DEMAND that she lower the posted emission to 50 units or less.
If covert action against towers is demanded, then that demant must be met. |
Enseignement - NON aux réductions budgétaires !
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
Le changement n'a pas lieu en gardant le silence. L'auteur de cette pétition a eu le courage de ses opinions. Allez-vous faire de même ? Lancez un mouvement social en créant une pétition.
Lancez votre propre pétitionAutres pétitions qui pourraient vous intéresser
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