PÉTITION - Non à l'augmentation des parcomètres sur le Plateau

michael di rienzo

/ #33 the city is extorting car owners, home owners and metro users

2010-11-19 08:23

it extorts home owners with over inflated property values

and then to top it off
they extort metro users
who have paid for their usage
over 200 dollars
just because they did not keep their ticket/pass

think of it
you pay for a ticket
just when you get in the metro
it falls to the floor
you get pushed in the car
and then you are charged over
200 big ones
because the city believes they have the right
to rip you off..
because you could not bend down fast enough to pick up the blasted transfer because the crowd was pushing you..
Who the f wants to keep a transfer when they know they dont need 2 take the metro..
Mr Mayor
give me 10 million dollars
and my lawyer will challenge the legitimacy of your law all the way to the supreme court...ans then you will have to pay back every nickel and eveyr dime that was ripped off through this 200 dollar scheme