Quoted post

Be Their Voice

#150 Next petition.. S.C.D.D. in St. Hubert!

2010-12-08 09:10

Same stories, sick animals, they request 180$ to adopt a dog when they are going to kill it the next day, when an attempt to negociate was made they declined!! I warn everyone that I know in cities that are served by the S.C.D.D. if ever they lose their dog or cat to RUN over there as they will only keep a lost and found pet 5 DAYS before they will euthinize. I have also witnessed first hand mis-treatment and heard stories of a former employee that the owner uses his van's exhaust and tubing directly into a garage to gas the poor animals. Where's the humanity?!!

Thank you for starting this petition! Hopefully something will be done to shut these places down for GOOD!!!



#228 Re: Next petition.. S.C.D.D. in St. Hubert!

2011-01-18 23:30:22


#3762 Re: Next petition.. S.C.D.D. in St. Hubert!

2011-07-14 13:37:21

#150: Be Their Voice - Next petition.. S.C.D.D. in St. Hubert! 

Dans leurs chambres à gaz, c'est une mort horrible.  Les animaux méritent une fin digne et respectueuse.  IL y a tant de choses à changer au Québec. 

M. Corbeil, étaliblissez des lois svp.  Ça n'a aucun sens de faire souffrir des animaux de la sorte.