Appel à protestation du Réseau des Enseignants Universitaires contre le plan du gouvernement Hongrois visant à supprimer le Master « Etudes sur le Genre »



I subscribe for considering this prohibition as teaching credence and ways of thinking freely.

(Bauru, 2018-08-23)


To sort human beings into categories often results in disadvantageous for at least one of the categorized people. Biological sex will stay an important marker for categorization. Thus it is of utmost importance to critically monitor how social roles are built upon these differential roles in human reproduction, that is how they are socially constructed.

(Göttingen, 2018-08-24)


Research should not be banned because it does not serve your interest.

(Munich, 2018-08-24)


Such studies are essential learning point for teaching and supporting highly disadvantage groups of women who are oppressed by the patriarchy, male dominance in the families or religious standards.

(Novi Becej, 2018-08-24)


...wir Gender Studies in ganz Europa brauchen!

(Berlin, 2018-08-24)


As a British academic, I am adding my voice to those of our colleagues in Hungary who are appealing against the banning of Gender Studies in Hungarian universities. As an academic with almost 25 years international research experience in the social and political sciences, I can affirm without fear of any valid contradiction that Gender Studies is not only a recognized field of academic enquiry, its value is actually increasing as we progress through the 21st century and we witness this relatively new field in the study of human society inform and enlighten a growing number of disciplines.

(Chester, 2018-08-24)


I'm signing because this is a field that still requires extensive studies in order to help people understand why these differences exist and decrease discrimination against those who belong to these minorities. Banning gender studies not only doesn't allow them to do that, but is an act of hostility.

(Coimbra, 2018-08-24)


Gender studies is critical, timely, and relevant to all sectors, including business, politics, and health.

(New York City, 2018-08-24)


Ich unterschreibe, weil Gender-Studies ein unverzichtbaren Bestandteil der Wissenschaft ist und ihre Ergebnisse für die Arbeit zur Verbesserung der Gleichstellung unabdingbar sind. Eine freie Gesellschaft ist nur möglich, wenn Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen realisiert ist.

(Berlin, 2018-08-24)


Merg egyetértek a petícióval és nem akarok visszatérni a lenini útra.

(Budapest, 2018-08-24)


I am very concerned.

(Berkeley, 2018-08-24)


gender studies ein unverzichtbares lehr- und forschungsfeld fuer jede gesellschaft ist

(berlin, 2018-08-24)


egykori kozradioskent, eveken at rengeteg musort keszitettem gender-temakban es ezzel resztvettem abban a szemlelet formalasban, amit most ki akarnak irtani.

(Budapest, 2018-08-25)


Faschismus kommt auf lauten Sohlen.

(Wien, 2018-08-25)


I am a researcher in gender and education. I support that gender and sex are both socially constructed meanings that disempower certain groups in our societies.

(Portsmouth, 2018-08-25)


Discrimination and specifically the discrimination of women is a fact in diverse aspects of life all over the world in 21st century. Eliminating that can be dealt with moral and legal principals, which should be taught and learned in educational systems of every country. Due to that, I am against banning the Gender Studies Programme in Hungary.

(Cologne, 2018-08-25)


Ich unterschreibe, weil es nicht nur ein unzulässiger Eingriff in die Freiheit von Lehre und Forschung ist, sondern auch der Versuch (möge er nicht gelingen!), die traditionelle Rollenzuteilung zwischen den „festgelegten zwei“ Geschlechtern aufrecht zu erhalten.

(St. Pölten, 2018-08-25)


Vergonzoso intento que pone en evidencia al gobierno húngaro.

(MORELIA, 2018-08-25)


Az Alaptörvény X. cikk (3) alapján Magyarország védi a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia és a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia tudományos és művészeti szabadságát. A felsőoktatási intézmények a kutatás és a tanítás tartalmát, módszereit illetően önállóak. Ez a személyes kívánalmam is. Nem kifejezetten a genderszak érdekel, hanem általánosságban a tanítás és tanulás szabadsága.

(Kecskemét, 2018-08-25)


Je suis féministe.

(Paris, 2018-08-25)