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/ #3988 Re: Fermeture des fourrière privées (UTOPIQUE)2011-09-11 23:49#3963: Me Jaques Masson Montréal-Nord - Fermeture des fourrière privées (UTOPIQUE) I suggest you go back to the drawing board and catch up with the 21st century. Québec is the Canadian champion of a provincial, outdated, and uneducated mentality towards animals that has both our province and the City of Montréal in the hot seat right now vis-à-vis foreign tourists who don't want to travel here with their animals, and anyone else who lives and pays their taxes here in Québec and wants to be assured that if somehow their animal is lost it won't be murdered for profit (Berger blanc), sold for profit within 24 hours of being found (almost happened to a dog named Balou last month at the Berger blanc, after his owner called and was told the dog was not there) or sold for research or as a watch dog in a parking lot. Of all which the Berger blanc and Pierre Couture and family have been accused of over many years - we are not talking about isolated incidents. Why the City of Montreal is still doing business with criminals after all the accusations and evidence has been amassed is a good question, and is one of many reasons this administration won't see the light of day after the next election. And I agree wholeheartedly with Jess, who has been a presence from the beginning on this site, and who's love for animals is evident. Frankly, Jacques, I'm asking myself why you bothered visiting this site if you really believe the status quo is acceptable, but if you want to understand more about the situation, and have some intelligent and workable and cost-effective options to present to the City of Montréal I would invite you to attend the conference below. And please share with your colleagues. |
Enseignement - NON aux réductions budgétaires !
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
Le changement n'a pas lieu en gardant le silence. L'auteur de cette pétition a eu le courage de ses opinions. Allez-vous faire de même ? Lancez un mouvement social en créant une pétition.
Lancez votre propre pétitionAutres pétitions qui pourraient vous intéresser
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