Protégeons le Canada ! - Démission de Justin Trudeau
Toujours aussi menteurs et hypocrites ces musulman Visiteur |
/ #8586 Les excuses bidons de la famille de musulmenteurs et leur fausse attaque aux ciseaux2018-01-18 04:01The family involved in the fake hijab attack report that rapidly spread worldwide has a released a statement.The full statement – first given to the Toronto Star – is below:
Of course, some will legitimately question whether the girl really came up with the story on her own, or whether there’s more that took place than is being said. TDSB & Trudeau made the story go viral – without confirming the details.Justin Trudeau and the Toronto District School Board both sought to turn this story into an international incident, an incredibly irresponsible move. The TDSB put an 11-year-old girl in front of a camera – long before any investigation took place. Then, Justin Trudeau shared the story with his large Twitter following and spoke about it publicly, and was then followed by many other politicians speaking about it – again, without any confirmation. It was used by many to push a narrative slandering millions of Canadians and seeking to silence open discussion through the “Islamophobia” label. Now, many people will be far more interested in seeing the details before trusting those in power the next time politicians push a particular story. Spencer Fernando Photo – YouTube |
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