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/ #57122012-05-08 05:40When I lost my cat in the winter and I found out about Berger Blanc's policies on cats, my terrible experience of searching for my animal went from bad to worse. I cannot believe that taxpayer dollars are allowed to go to an organization with so little accountability to the residents of Montreal, both human and animal. The Berger Blanc will euthanize a cat over 3 years old in 3 days. They will not talk to you on the phone to help you identify if your animal has been delivered to them, and they do not keep records of their feline euthanasias unless the cat is considered a particular breed. They don't even contact the owner by calling the number on the cat's tag. There location is prohibitively far for someone without a car who cannot take 3-4 hours out of their workday, as well. Knowing that if my cat ended up at the Berger Blanc there would be no way of discovering if he had already been through there in the first few days after he went missing and before I even knew of the potential situations he might have ended up in GREATLY contributed to the stress and distress of searching for my lost cat. When no records are even kept, pet owners have no closure about what happened to their animals. If someone took the time to go there to look every day (which is what you'd need to do to find your pet there since there are no ways to do it online or over the telephone, and since they don't cooperate by calling the number on the tags or scan microchips), that person could potentially have to go unnecessarily for weeks or months and still never know if their animal was euthanized (potentially very cruelly) in those few days before they even realized they needed to go there. I fortunately did find my cat after more than three weeks (he was trapped in a neighbour's garage), but the system at Berger Blanc made those three weeks one of the worst times of my life. Please hold them accountable for their use of tax dollars to provide what should be respected as a truly ethical service to the Montreal community or establish another organization that will. Thank you for your attention. |
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