Carol Schlask Visiteur |
/ #41 Bring back The Immigrant!2010-12-26 00:52Dan Behrman has been doing wonders on the air of many radio stations in the United States and Canada since 1979 when I first heard him on WFMU out of East-Orange, NJ. I was so glad to be able to listen to his weekly Radio-Canada shows from Montreal now that I live in Vermont. Learning that he was kicked off the air last June and for no good reason whatsoever makes me very angry given the fact that we're dealing here with a true and proven radio artist who is a champion of communications wherever he goes whether he does his thing in English or in French. Beside the listeners who were unfairly victimized by the poor decision coming from some stupid and incompetent station manager the real loser is the radio station who got rid of him in such a cavalier fashion as Dan Behrman is more of an asset to them than the contrary. I certainly hope that the gross and unfair mistakes which were made in 2010 will be corrected in the New Year as Dan's absence from the airwaves creates a big void which cannot be filled the way he used to. Merry X'mas and Happy New Year to all the listeners and the good people who have supported him and are still fighting for their right to listen to the good quality Public Radio they deserve and pay for... YES WE DAN, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!! |
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