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#1228 Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve2011-04-29 05:15#1227: JESS - Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve @ Jess, I spoke to a city councillor today in another borough after receiving this letter and was told that there were negotiations happening with others who had made a submission, but in the same breath told me that there were only 2 places capable of fulfilling these responsibilities - the Berger blanc and the SPCA, and also that there was no immediate solution possible since they had extended their contract with the Berger blanc till June. I have the same impression as you, that the City did not make a serious call for submissions in the past, and it is not doing so today either. I think the new SPCA is 1000 x superior to the Berger blanc, but smaller more localized facilities might be an even better solution. What concerns me the most is that for the coming months there are animals who are suffering at the hands of the same employees who were there when the Enquête report came out. Couture fostered a culture of gross indifference to the dogs' and cats' suffering and of abuse, and he and his employees are not going to change. These new demands the City "is requiring" them to put into place - who is going to police them? The Berger blanc will have cameras installed and police themselves? Right. Anima-Québec has done a piss-poor job to date, and I even saw a letter from Anima-Québec admitting that when they went in for their inspection recently they were required to warn the Berger blanc of their arrival, so the likely-hood of catching them doing something illegal is almost nil. I think the City MUST hire veterinarians who have the animals' best interests at heart to monitor the place 24/7 while a transition is made. And I shudder to think there are places like Laval who seem to have no intention of breaking their contract with the Berger blanc. |
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#1231 Re: Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve2011-04-29 05:31:36#1228: Encore deçu - Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve That's soo ridiculous that Anima-Québec had to warn them before hand. Its like saying clean up we are coming in big bold letters. Might as well sit in the office and do it over the phone.
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#1245 Re: Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve2011-04-29 16:45:25#1228: Encore deçu - Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Hello my friend .... " Ils disent qu`ils n`y a pas d`autre solution possible puisqu`ils sont liés au Berger blanc par contrat ? FUCKING BULLSHIT ! ... ILS NE VEULENT RIEN FAIRE ! ... `Un contrat pourri, ça se résille, à aucun moment on entend dire qu`ils ont mis des avocats la-dessus ? ... Il n`y a pas eu de soummission suffisante dans le passé ? .. OÙ EST LA PREUVE DE CELÀ ? ... ILS ONT ENVOYÉ UNE * LETTRE * À BERGER BLANC ... WOW FÉLICITATIONS ! ON A-P-P-L-A-U-D-I-T ! ! UNE lettre ...hahaha.. ben oui ... MÊME PAS UNE MISE EN DEMEURE AVEC INDICATIONS DE POURSUITES JUDICIAIRES... À M. LE MAIRE TREMBLAY, MAIRE DE LAVAL, ET TOUS CEUX ET CELLES QUI SONT CONCERNÉ(E)S DE PRÈS OU DE LOIN , QUI ONT LE POUVOIR ET SURTOUT DE DEVOIR DE CHANGER LES CHOSES, JE VOUS CONCHIE ! !! |
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#1247 Re: Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve2011-04-29 16:50:48#1228: Encore deçu - Re: Re: Lettre du maire de Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Anima-Q appelle avant de visiter ! Anima-québec, je leur ai écrit 3 fois ... aucune réponse , et là j`apprends qu`ils appellent avant de faire les visites ... EXACTEMENT comme le faisait la Croix-rouge durant la 2e guerre mondiale avant d`aller visiter les camps de concentrations ... Désespoir ! .... |
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