Quoted post


#4023 Re: Re: Bravo à LCN pour son reportage sur les 525 chiens maltraités et secourus !

2011-09-18 19:49

#4021: Visiteur - Re: Bravo à LCN pour son reportage sur les 525 chiens maltraités et secourus !  

 Thanks to you too ! ! ... thanks for the link .  Yes , we need more on TV LCN , that is what I wrote them . I said thanks and keep us inform on that terrible subject , we want more justice .

Thank you to be there , visitor . Feels good to know people are still thinking every single day about animals ... even during the week-end !



#4024 Re: Re: Re: Bravo à LCN pour son reportage sur les 525 chiens maltraités et secourus !

2011-09-18 19:56:33

#4023: Jess - Re: Re: Bravo à LCN pour son reportage sur les 525 chiens maltraités et secourus !

Hi again Jess,

I found this posted on the Montreal Dog Blog, from one of the many rescuer's who helped in the puppy mill bust.


MAPAQ needs to know they cannot just put this feather in their cap and say they are doing something. These places would not exist at all, as we all know, if they did their jobs and created some laws with teeth!