Refusons la tour Triangle à la Porte de Versailles
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john blatteau, mon vrai nom!! |
#111 Re:la tour triangule a la porte de versailles2011-12-24 05:45Why should an American architect need to remind the French that this is a crazy project, one that will be regretted for years to come should it ever be built.....let the architects, Swiss I think, like that vandal Corbu, make their messes in places like London, where the city is lost, and they can not do much more harm.....KEEP THEM OUT OF PARIS, should this project be built, you will be very sorry when you wake up in the morning, ....... like a bad night in a bar!! Paris is a CLASSICAL CITY and should remain so.....not a museum but a living example of the beauty and variety of classical architecture that can adapt to changing needs and not the whims of “ready to wear” fashion. Believe me, in a few short years, Herzog and de Meuron will not even be a foot note in the history of architecture , yet Paris will remain……….. Wake up Paris………!! John Blatteau, architect. Philadelphia
Adam Visiteur |
#115 Yes to 'TRIANGLE' !2012-01-09 19:14:21#111: john blatteau, mon vrai nom!! - Re:la tour triangule a la porte de versailles Dear sir, your opinion is very subjective and does not reflect everyone's. I guess it's your bitterness that makes you say that, you would have loved to be in Herzog & De Meuron's shoes...(assuming that you really are american/an architect, what I strongly doubt) Once again, do not talk on behalf of everyone else, your opinion belongs to yourself & only yourself. There are loads of people eager to see this masterpiece come true. Montparnasse was & still is an eyesore, I agree, but Triangle is the perfect opposite, it's high time that a new parisian landmark of this quality came true. We'll do our very best to make this unique & stunning pyramid of glass see the light in that dull & dreadfull area. I'm not favourable to building highrises all over the place in Paris, no way, I don't want my capital to be a little New York, but building aesthetic towers in key places is a very good thing, as long as they're original/landmarks, reasonably tall, & that they do not disfigure the vicinity. Saying that Triangle will disfigure the Parc des Expositions area (& Paris in general) makes me laugh out loud... if it was the case beleive me, I would not back it... As a frenchman myself, I think that my wish to have at last (30 years after the last highrise construction in Paris) an aesthetic & gobsmacking landmark in Paris, is a lot more legitimate than yours not to want it. You'd better stick to London because evidently, you're not relevant to discuss Paris's beauty/architecture. A massive 'YES' to Triangle, let's make it happen by signing the below petition: Many thanks
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