Nous demandons l'interdiction par la loi d'euthanasier les chiens dans les refuges publics et/ou privés et le changement des critères pour leur libération/adoption !



NU vreau eutanasierea animalelor !!!!!!

(craiova, 2019-10-02)


Au dreptul să trăiască

(Movilita, 2019-10-02)


Semnez pt oprirea cruzimii împotriva animalelor

(Rm. Valcea, 2019-10-02)


Iubesc animalele

(București, 2019-10-02)


Weil ich es grausam finde, was mit diesen Tieren passiert.

(89518 Heidenheim, 2019-10-02)


Toti cainii au dreptul la viata, nu putem lua viata cuiva pt. ca suntem incapabili sa-i sterilizam si pe urma sa-i hranim

(Arad, 2019-10-02)


Pt ca imi pasa!

(Craiova, 2019-10-02)


Nu sunt de acord cu eutanasiera animalelor din adăposturi.Acest act medical e crima , atata timp cat animalul respectiv nu are un diagnostic. Prin lege este interzisa eutanasia, rele tratamente si cruzimea impotriva animalelor! Un om inteligent ar găsi o alta soluție, nu sa omori niște ființe nevinovate de dragul de a reduce înmulțirea lor! Uneori animalele sunt un exemplu demn de urmat pentru oameni! Ei sunt cei mai loiali,cei mai credinciosi omului, te iubesc neconditionat, ei nu te dezamagesc ,nu te tradeaza,cei mai buni prieteni ai omului! Sunt mai OAMENI decât oamenii!

(Rm.Valcea, 2019-10-02)


Trebuie sa inceteze cu violenta asupra animalelor!!!!

(Nuneaton, 2019-10-02)


#SpayDontKill #NeuterDontKill #RescueDontShop

(mayenne, 2019-10-03)


The situation of dogs and their owners in Romania is not worthy of a civilized country within the EU. Either change your murderous habits or get out of the Union. I am ashamed to be European if I just think of the rotten and disgraceful things happening in Romania both against their own people and to animals who had the bad luck to be born in this country. Shame on you!

(Skiptvet, 2019-10-03)


Jedes Lebewesen das Recht auf sein Leben hat!Jedes Lebewesen sollte in Freiheit geboren werden und wir hsben die Verantwortung für Hunde und Katzen und alle Tiere um uns herum! Unsere Haustiere sind von uns abhängig und wir sollten sie füttern, versorgen und sie medizinisch verpflegen, wir tragen die Verantwortung für eine artgerechte Haltung!Sie verdirnen unseren Schutz unsere Liebe und Fürsorge und Liebe, vom Welpenalter bis zum letzten natürlichen Atemzug!
Wir haben nicht das Recht sie auszusetzen oder ins Heim zu geben oder sie gar einzuschläfern!!!
Dafür stehe ich zu 100%

(Dortmund, 2019-10-03)


Este ceva inuman

(Craiova, 2019-10-03)


Sunt un iubitor de animale si cred ca legea e prost facuta, la un rezultat mulțumitor si pt oameni, si pt câini nu se ajunge asa.

(Tinca, 2019-10-03)


Semnez pentru a ajuta aceste animale care nu au nici o vina...

(Craiova, 2019-10-03)


Auch diese Hunde ein recht auf Leben haben

(Grasellenbach, 2019-10-03)


Iubesc animalele

(Craiova, 2019-10-03)


M am săturat să mi fie mutilat sufletul!!!Animalele au dreptul la viață ca si noi

(Calafat, 2019-10-03)


For a long time we have been following the events in Romania with the stray dogs, full of worries. We are very sad and disappointed that you too have decided to kill the dogs in Slatina public shelter.

Many people from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England and your country want to help, but with their ever-changing rules, it has become very difficult, even impossible, to help.

We have seen videos ..., the fear and screams of dogs traumatized every person who loves animals.
They have a heart that beats what feels, as we do the pain and the anxiety.

I can only appeal to your heart, please!
Many animal welfare organizations across Europe are financially supporting the castration of stray dogs to alleviate the strays and strains of stray dogs and to help them solve the problem of over-population of dogs.

This method is the only one that is effective. But the cities have to tolerate it for a while, because it does not happen overnight. That can not be too complicated and too incomprehensible!

Please help us!!! - STOP THE KILLINGS -
We appeal to your heart - you are a great man in Romania, with the power to change something!

YOU CAN GO AHEAD WITH A GOOD EXAMPLE! You have this in your Hands.
Please reconsider your decision and show it all over Europe, everyone will like it for it. PLEASE,

what else can we do to change your mind?

Best regards

Christiane sproß from Germany and many People from Europe

(67304 Kerzenheim, 2019-10-03)


Dieses sinnlose töten beendet werden muß

(Königslutter, 2019-10-03)


Ich Tierfreund bin und Tiere mit Respekt und liebe behandelt wissen möchte !!!

(Neuhausen Fildern, 2019-10-03)


Așa e normal sa fie

(Timișoara, 2019-10-04)


Nu vreau sa moara fiintele nevinovate!

(Pielesti, 2019-10-04)


Weil jedes Tier ein Recht auf Leben hat.
Sofort soll dieses Morden eingestellt werden.

(Wallenhorst, 2019-10-04)


Iubesc toate animalele!

(Bucuresti, 2019-10-04)


semnez pentru ca este inuman sa curm o viata pe care nu am dat-o eu. si chiar daca as fi dat-o, tot nu as fi facut asta. pedepse mari pentru cei care omoara animale.

(bucuresti, 2019-10-04)


Weil jedes Tier Recht auf Leben hat.

(Gossau, 2019-10-04)


Das muss aufhören, dieses bestialische Torten... Wir sind im Jahre 2019 und nicht mehr im Mittelalter!!!! Da gibt es andere Möglichkeiten, z. B. Pflicht zur Kastration etc.

(Braunschweig, 2019-10-04)


es aufhören muss.

(essen, 2019-10-04)


Nu poti lua viata unui animal, indiferent daca este caine sau pisica sau orice altceva,aceasta oribila treaba ar trebui pedepsita cu închisoarea.

(Ipswich, 2019-10-04)


Weil dieses widerliche Töten von Lebewesen endlich verboten werden MUSS

(57413 Finnentrop, 2019-10-04)


Mehr als an der Zeit ist das endlich zu ändern für Mensch und Tier.

(Bendorf, 2019-10-05)


Iubesc animalele și nu sunt de acord cu eutanasierea lor.Animale suntem noi oamenii, care nu avem grijă de aceste biete vietăți.

(Craiova, 2019-10-05)