Soutenir les grévistes de la faim kurdes
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#1 redendications kurdes2012-03-17 23:17"il faut répondre aux deux revendications du peuple kurde : la langue et l’identité. La question de la langue peut être résolue par l’octroi du droit à l’enseignement dans la langue maternelle, et celle de l’identité par le passage à un système de gouvernance régionale." (Osman Baydemir, maire métropolitain de Diyarbakir |
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#32012-03-18 22:41Le peuple kurde aussi a le droit de vivre avec sa propre dignité. |
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#42012-03-20 15:58Les KURDE; droit de vivre son l'identité, sa culture et sa langue; sur leur propre terre!!!... (MADON in TAVKIRAR) |
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#52012-03-20 20:18A l' Europe de faire ces preuves de démocratie, le peuple kurde à assez payé...... |
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#62012-03-28 16:32No more repression, no more discrimination. No more violation, end of colonialism and end of dictatorship……….. |
Agire Serhildan.! |
#11 Agire Serhildan2012-04-01 00:35Ji Hemu Kurden Serbilindra Berxwedan u Azadi Dixwazim..!! |
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#122012-04-03 13:29Il faut absolument trouver une solution politique à la cause kurde ce peuple oppresse qui mérite de vivre avec sa dignité sa langue sa culture merci à toute les personne qui signeront cette pétition |
#13 STOP AU SILENCE2012-04-03 15:54Jin jîyan azadî soutient cette pétition et transfert ce message . Il faut que l'oppression du peuple kurde cesse. Que le monde ose ouvrir les yeux. Que le mépris des dit ' gens bien ' cesse face à l'injustice adressée aux Kurdes. Sibê rojbuna apê me ye lê belê ew li nav zindana da ye. EDÎ BESE KA KEWOKA AŞÎTÎ YE ? FREE KURDISTAN . LIBERTÉ AU KURDISTAN. AZADÎ JI BO KURDISTAN. ÖZGÜR KÜRDİSTAN. Jin jîyan azadî-JJA |
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#15 roj baş2012-04-03 20:07isterimki tüm dünyada barış olması vede bunu türkeye gelmesini isterim. eskiden inkar edilen kürtler eski kürtler değildir artık türkiye haddini bilsin an azadi an azadi her biji pkk |
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#162012-04-03 21:15Mr. Secretary General, Since 2009, in absolute violation of the most basic democratic rights and freedoms, the Turkish government has jailed nearly 9,000 Kurds, including 6 Members of Parliament, 31 mayors, 96 journalists, 36 lawyers, 183 leaders of the BDP (Party for Peace and Democracy), trade unionists, human rights defenders, students and nearly 2,000 children, known as "stone throwing children". Moreover, the Turkish army conducted military operations beyond the border with Iraq, in violation of international law. 41 civilians have been killed in these operations and chemical weapons were used. To make things even worse, the Turkish authorities, who had started to negotiate with the recognised Kurdish leader, Mr. Abdullah Oçalan (jailed since 1999 on the island of Imrali), have stopped the negotiations and have put him in an unprecedented and total isolation since the 27th of July 2011, in violation of all international laws. These serious and recurrent violations of human rights committed by the Turkish government are unjustifiable. Demanding the end of such violations of human rights, 400 Kurdish political prisoners in Turkey are on unlimited hunger strike since the 15th of February 2012 at the peril of their lives. For the same reason, 15 European Kurds have begun an unlimited hunger strike in Strasbourg since the 1st of March 2012. They demand justice, the release of Mr. Abdullah Oçalan as well as all political prisoners and a fair and democratic resolution of the Kurdish question. Mr. Secretary General, we urge you to listen to the cry for help of these men and women. You must call on the Turkish government to stop its repeated attacks on human rights and to engage in peaceful negotiations with Mr. Oçalan, to solve the Kurdish question. Without this, the question could be raised as to the membership of Turkey within the Council of Europe. For our part, we consider that the Kurdish problem is not simply the one of Turkey, but also one of the Council of Europe, especially since some member states, namely France and Germany, do not hesitate to sell weapons to the Turkish government. Therefore, we ask you to put in the agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly the question of the Kurdish problem; refusing to do so would mean nothing less than to endorse the undemocratic practices and which contravene the most basic freedoms that have been referred to above mentioned. Be assured, of our active vigilance for the respect of human rights around the world in general and in the territory within the field of action of Council of Europe in particular. |
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#172012-04-03 21:44em hévidar go ji iroj u $unde gelé kurd diplomasiya xwe xwurtir bikiu xwe bidi nasin bi gelé cihané slav u rez |
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#212012-04-03 23:44kurdish peoplewant them rights and they will have them rights |
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#242012-04-09 06:00je soutiene les greviste de faim kurde a strassburg mais malheusment le monde actuel deviene vampire ils sont sourd la demacrasi des annee 1945 jusqua 2000 est en suspende.ou en conger centenair.mais je ponse que il ya encor des etre humane sur notre planete qui vont reagir. |
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#252012-04-09 18:37l homme a besoin de sa dignité pour vivre OR nous les kurdes nous avons tous perdus notre langue notre identite notre culture notre pays si ce n est prendre la direction des montagnes pour nos revendications les plus humaines notre LIBERTE alors que devons nous faire? |
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